HexaURL Validate

HexaURL Validate

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A JavaScript/TypeScript library for validating HexaURL strings with configurable rules, also provides a module that can be combined with Zod.

This library has no dependencies, so it's lightweight and simple to integrate. It also helps protect against vulnerabilities in unmaintained packages and avoids deprecation or version conflicts.

npm install hexaurl-validate
import { validate } from "hexaurl-validate";

let validInput = "my-hexaurl";

// Basic validation with default configuration (for 16 bytes HexaURL)
try {
console.log("Validation successful!");
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Validation failed: ${error.message}`);
import { z } from "zod";
import "hexaurl-validate/zod"; // Ensure the module is imported to use the hexaurl method

const schema = z.string().hexaurl();

import { validate, createConfig, Composition } from "hexaurl-validate";

// Custom configuration with minimum length of 4 and maximum length of 40
// Identifier composition: Alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore
// Delimiter rules: Allow leading/trailing hyphens and underscores, consecutive hyphens and underscores
const config = createConfig({
minLength: 4,
maxLength: 40,
composition: Composition.AlphanumericHyphenUnderscore,
delimiter: {
allowLeadingTrailingHyphens: true,
allowLeadingTrailingUnderscores: true,
allowConsecutiveHyphens: true,
allowConsecutiveUnderscores: true,
allowAdjacentHyphenUnderscore: false,

// Validate with custom configuration and 32 bytes (can contain 42 characters at most)
validate("my_custom-hexa__", config, 32);
import { isEncodingSafe } from "hexaurl-validate";

const isSafe = isEncodingSafe("my-string");
console.log(isSafe); // true

Validates a HexaURL string. If no configuration is provided, uses default configuration. If no byte size is provided, uses 16 bytes. Throws HexaUrlError if validation fails.

Checks if the input string is safe for HexaURL encoding. If no byte size is provided, uses 16 bytes.

Enum for valid identifier composition options:

  • Alphanumeric: Letters and digits only
  • AlphanumericHyphen: Letters, digits and hyphen
  • AlphanumericUnderscore: Letters, digits and underscore
  • AlphanumericHyphenUnderscore: Letters, digits, hyphen and underscore

Interface for configuring delimiter rules:

interface DelimiterRules {
allowLeadingTrailingHyphens: boolean;
allowLeadingTrailingUnderscores: boolean;
allowConsecutiveHyphens: boolean;
allowConsecutiveUnderscores: boolean;
allowAdjacentHyphenUnderscore: boolean;

Creates a configuration object with custom options.

Creates delimiter rules with custom options.

Creates delimiter rules with all options set to true.

The library throws HexaUrlError with specific error codes (HexaUrlErrorCode) when validation fails:

try {
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof HexaUrlError) {
console.log(error.code); // HexaUrlErrorCode
console.log(error.message); // Error description

This project is licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT License at your option.